Inviting Your Support

- Posted by Publications Committee in Resources,  | 1 min read
Anne Mitchell, QEW General Secretary

Again this year, QEW is supporting the Young Adult Friends gathering at Pendle Hill, and we invite you to join us! Friends who feel led to join in this work are heartily encouraged to make a donation in support of this effort.

The QEW Mini-Grant program continues with some exciting projects. We welcome your partnership in this effort as well.

QEW has now received accreditation with the Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC) of the UN, which enables us to participate in online and in-person UN gatherings. QEW is seeking support to help make the most of this new opportunity.

In October 2012, we also launched the Three Year Resilience Fund to help us stabilize our finances and plan for the future. We welcome your involvement.

If any of these ideas inspire you and you’d like to contribute toward their support, you can you can make a secure online donation at If you prefer, you can send a check to QEW at Quaker Earthcare Witness, 173-B North Prospect Street, Burlington, VT 05401-1607. If you have any questions, please contact me here.